As soon as the chilly winds Abercrombie Polos initially start to blow every year as autumn sets in; people go to their closets Abercrombie Polos and pull out their sweaters dog coats and ed hardy Hats jackets to ensure that they are comfortable as the temperature drops. Your Ed Hardy Sale dog deserves this equal treatment so when you pull out yours, do Ed Hardy Sale remember to pull out your dog's warm dog clothes as well.If the night is chilly, but Ed Hardy Swimwear not quite freezing, even something as Ed Hardy Swimwear simple as a warm dog sweater will help you to keep your dog warm.
2 則留言:
感動的又何只妳一人呢!此"來信"已看得我眼淚直流!確實太久太久無寫親筆信, 無收親筆信, 突如其來又發自內心的一封, 真教人觸動心靈!
近年只要精神不好, 眼便總是朦朦, 有時連自已寫的字也看不清, 但又不願再拿起眼鏡戴上, 故字體"東歪西倒", 再加上偶發性的執筆忘字, 錯別字頗多, 實有點兒難為了妳, 但我相信當中的真情流露絕對可以作補償, 日後亦有計劃研習書法以作"修練", 但此事恐怕要屆不惑之年才可為之. 老朋友, 目前妳就體諒一下老同學的未老先衰, 姑且再忍受一下吧!
人之相處確極講緣份, 我信命、運及天意安排. 今次因為一件小物件, 忽發奇想擬為妳帶來小驚喜, 原本亦只打算寫幾行字交待一下買此物之由來, 誰知一執筆, 便停不下來, 因所書乃由衷之言, 故邊寫邊流淚, 淚水拭完再流, 流下又拭, 連自已也感太過了, 但真情便是這樣, 亦應該是這樣, 只要發自真心, 真情自會流露, 無人能阻、檔!
那獨特的信封, 相信亦甚有"驚喜". 事源乃寒舍並無信封, 其時只有夫君外甥女送來的聖誔咭封套可作頂替, 故便出儘法寶, 以收藏逾十載已幾被遺忘的貼紙儘力美化之, 紅色條條乃貼紙之邊緣部份, 經癈物利用再加上無限小創意的發揮, 最後便成就了這送到妳手上別具一格之封套, 用貼紙作封條實乃家中無漿糊之故, 以此等材料可做出如斯效果, 實亦感意外.
老朋友, 妳我皆是惜緣之人, 就將此事列入2007年大事回顧之一吧!
As soon as the chilly winds Abercrombie Polos initially start to blow every year as autumn sets in; people go to their closets Abercrombie Polos and pull out their sweaters dog coats and ed hardy Hats jackets to ensure that they are comfortable as the temperature drops. Your Ed Hardy Sale dog deserves this equal treatment so when you pull out yours, do Ed Hardy Sale remember to pull out your dog's warm dog clothes as well.If the night is chilly, but Ed Hardy Swimwear not quite freezing, even something as Ed Hardy Swimwear simple as a warm dog sweater will help you to keep your dog warm.